First I want to share some baking that I did just before we left. I had an intense desire for cupcakes the night before our flight and I found the recipe for Magnolia cupcakes (which I hoped that my dear fan of SNL's "Lazy Sunday" would be excited about...I am giving this very sterile link to the clip because I think the definitions are rich and you can link to the video near the bottom ;)). So they were a pretty classic recipe and very easy to make and crazy delicious.

They also come in the wedding color trifecta.

So as promised to the yahoo SnB, I am posting pics of the crocheted patterns that I figured out this weekend while up north.
The first is unique to my fiance's grandmother. I used Encore.

The second is one that I my grandma was famous for making but I never could figure hers out because the ombre made the moves a bit confusing. My mom often suggested that I take one apart, but I couldn't bear it. So, my fiance's grandma had made a striped one out of a light color and it suddenly became blaringly obvious. (I'll share how soon ;)...maybe tomorrow ;).) These in the picture are going to be thank you gifts for my future in-law's hospitality. For this, I used Lily Cotton from Michael's. I am going to try to stay away from 100% acrylic only because I think that one of my other hurtles in figuring it out was that the older ones had melted a little through many years of use.

Anywho, they may seem homely but I think they are glorious. Did anyone else's grandmothers make these? What would you say your grandma or mother was famous for making ;)?
Hey, these are GREAT! Please do post the patterns on SNB for us. I love the ricky-racky looking one. I've never seen one like it.
Thanks for sharing!
Wow, they look lovely. I especially like first one, it's very cool. My grandmother never knit or crochet, she was too impatient (and a bit spoiled I hear).
I've never seen one like the first one...very fun please do post how you did it. Thanks
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