Here is a hint about my personality. I set my watch 15 minutes ahead. I never forget that I am set ahead - it is really a game that I play with myself to define a safety barrier of how much time I have left in a day. So, I tried another mind trick of setting goals and standards rather than pledging resolutions. It has been working about as well as the watch mind trick. This action of renaming my resolutions has really proven to provide a buffer zone for what the minimum achievement level needs to be to stave off the end of the year disappointment that threatens every December. I guess every little step counts toward something - i.e. something is better than nothing.
One of my goals for this year is to blog daily and to show you some FO each day - something wee or the end of a big project. The last week and a half has been spent saving up a cache of FOs to get started with (another safety net in case of falter...I am putting together a wedding this year...I may skip a few days as a result).
I think that I will begin with a parade of Christmas presents.

I think that these sets were a hit. I made hats and mittens for my soon to be parents-in-law in the colors of their favorite hockey team - The San Jose Sharks. When the plan was originally hatched, I thought I would make his mom the mittens and his dad the hat, despite suggestion that they neither used these clothing articles though they live in shivery, damp Portland. Proudly I showed off my creations to Mr. K, thinking that he would be so impressed with the spirit of his team vibrating from them that he too would desire useless knitted things. Knowing that this was dreaming, I was set to be defensive when he started "...you know, hun, to be honest..."- feeling certain that he was going to shake his head at the fiber frivolity, I cut him off with a string of nonsense to the tune of "ya I know you think that knitted stuff is nonsense." What he really wanted to put at the end of his sentence was that the hat and mittens looked good but should be kept together as set rather than gifted together. This was good news and bad at the same time - I was glad he liked them but was equally sad that I really had one present finished rather than two.

The mitten project was inspired by the request of an adventurous and talented student to make some USC themed mittens for a dear friend and devoted Trojan Alumna. My student, Debra, learned a lot and finished the set in time for the intended recipient to wear them to the Rose Bowl and pronounce them "lucky" upon the Trojan's kick ass victory (sorry, I am the spawn of a long line of Trojans). They are a ton of fun to whip out. Let me know what you think.
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